Frequently Asked Questions
It takes thought, planning and design to get the perfect shed to complement your lifestyle or business. As you start thinking about what an ideal shed looks like for you, no doubt you’ll have a lot of questions. We’ve answered a few of the common ones here.
Remember, if you need any info at any time simply get in touch with a member of our expert team.
Will my shed fit there? A guide to measuring your space.
We’d suggest measuring the space you have available for a shed, then drawing up a basic sketch. In the sketch you need to include setbacks, which are the legal minimum limits a building can be from the boundary. Setbacks are 1.5-metres from the side and rear boundaries, and six-metres from the front boundary.
Are there any exceptions to boundary setbacks?
There are some exceptions to the standard setbacks of six metres from the front boundary and 1.5-metres from the rear and side boundaries.
If the shed is less than nine-metres in length and less than 3.5-metres high, there are certain exemptions allowing for building to be done right on the boundary.
We can also build closer than the 6m to the front boundary if there is no rear access to the yard.
What other boundary rules exist when building a shed?
There are limitations when it comes to council infrastructure such as manholes, council sewers and connection points. We need to keep 1.5-metres away from your home’s connection point and the centre of any manholes. This is in case council or plumbers ever have to do maintenance on the line.
We can build over a sewer main as long as we keep our footings out of the zone of influence and ensure the sewer trench is firm enough to build on. Boundary rules can sometimes be waived if we apply to council for an exemption. This is an expensive exercise and not always successful, so we’d usually suggest building within the limitations.
You don’t need a soil test to lodge your shed with council. We sometimes recommend a soil test to determine the shed foundations. Our team will talk to you about it when we visit your site, because we’ve become pretty good at picking sites that need a heavier footing. In our books, pretty good is a 100% success rate!
Do I need a soil test to build my shed?
What’s included in your sheds? Do I get roller doors, sliding doors and windows?
Our sheds are all inclusive of the above, unlike some of our competitors. You get everything you need in one convenient delivery.
Do your sheds include gutters and downpipes?
Yes, our sheds come with gutters and downpipes. However, because every application is different, they don’t come with plumbing fittings. We’d recommend engaging a plumber to professionally finish your plumbing setup. The storm water from the roof will need to be delivered to a point more than three-metres away from the shed, other structures and any boundaries before it can be signed off by council.
Yes you can. If you live in South East Queensland, our expert and registered team of builders can build the shed for you. If you’re anywhere else around Australia we can deliver your shed components and you can utilise the services of a local builder of your choice, or build it yourself.
Can I build the shed myself?
No we don’t. Imported steel and other materials just doesn’t stand up to the harsh Australian environment. We only use 100% Australian Bluescope Steel and Colorbond materials. It’s tough, durable and doesn’t fade in the sun.
Do you use imported materials?

Stockman Sheds - We Do It All.
We want you to have a stress-free and enjoyable shed building journey. That’s why we do ALL the heavy lifting for you. From crafting the design you want and getting all required council approvals to handing over the keys to your new shed, we do it all.
Sit back and soon you’ll have the shed of your dreams!