Logan City Council Shed Planning Guide
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Sizes and Setbacks | Overlays to Consider | Contact Logan Shed Builders
Logan City Council New Shed Rules
If you’re a resident of Logan wanting to build a new shed for commercial or residential purposes, you’ll want to do research into the rules and regulations that will apply to the structure. Stockman Sheds has summarised some of the more relevant information below, and you can find out more at the City of Logan website.
One thing to note is that the building envelope (the outer perimeter of your shed) does not overrule Logan City Council planning scheme setbacks unless specifically stated in the development approval.
Sizes and Setbacks
The rules applying to the height, size and setbacks of your shed will vary according to the zoning of your property. Let’s break them down:
Low Density Residential Small Lot Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Floor Area: Not specified.
Site Coverage: Up to 60%.
Front Setback:
Carports may be built to the boundary if they:
Are no larger than 6m x 6m.
Have a maximum height of 3.5 meters.
Remain unenclosed.
Otherwise, a road setback of 4 meters applies.
Side and Rear Setbacks: As per the Queensland Development Code (QDC).
Low Density Residential Small Acreage Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: Up to 35%.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 10-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Minimum of 3 meters. If total floor area (including all Class 10 structures) exceeds 150m², setbacks must comply with Table
Rural Residential Zones Carbrook or Cottage Rural Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: 10% or 700m², whichever is greater.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 20-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Same as the Park Living Precinct.
Environmental Management and Conservation Zone
Maximum Height: 12 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: 10% or 700m², whichever is greater.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 20-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Minimum of 10 meters. For floor areas exceeding 150m², follow Table
Table - Minimum Side and Rear Boundary Clearances for Large Domestic Outbuildings
We’ve simplified table , which is used when the combined floor area of a proposed outbuilding and existing outbuildings is larger than 150m2 but less than 300m2.
Emerging Community Zone:
Minimum clearance of 6 meters from both side and rear boundaries.
Environmental Management and Conservation Zone:
Requires a 20-meter clearance from both side and rear boundaries.
Low Density Residential Zone - Acreage Precinct:
Minimum clearance of 6 meters from side and rear boundaries.
Low Density Residential Zone - Small Acreage Precinct:
Minimum clearance of 6 meters from side and rear boundaries.
Rural Zone:
Requires a 20-meter clearance from side and rear boundaries.
Rural Residential Zone:
Minimum clearance of 6 meters from side and rear boundaries.
Low Density Residential Large Suburban Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Floor Area: Not specified.
Site Coverage: Up to 40%.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as the Small Lot Precinct, with a 6-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: As per QDC.
Low Density Residential Acreage Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: Up to 20%.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 10-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Same rules as the Small Acreage Precinct.
Low Density Residential Suburban Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Floor Area: Not specified.
Site Coverage: Up to 50%.
Front, Side, and Rear Setbacks: Governed by QDC.
Rural Residential Zones Park Living or Park Residential Precinct:
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: 20% or 700m², whichever is greater.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 10-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Minimum of 3 meters. For total floor areas exceeding 150m², follow Table
Emerging Community Zone
Maximum Height: 8.5 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: 10% or 700m², whichever is greater.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 10-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Minimum of 3 meters. For larger total floor areas, refer to Table
Rural Zone
Maximum Height: 12 meters.
Maximum Floor Area: 300m².
Site Coverage: 10% or 700m², whichever is greater.
Front Setback: Same carport rules as above, with a 20-meter road setback for other structures.
Side and Rear Setbacks: Minimum of 10 meters. For larger total floor areas, refer to Table
Overlays to Consider
An overlay identifies land that’s ‘sensitive to development, subject to constraints, contains valuable resources or presents opportunities for development.’ The following should be taken into account when constructing a shed in Logan:
Biodiversity Overlay
- If located within a primary or secondary vegetation management area, there must be no clearing of land. A BWAP (Building Works assessable against the Planning Scheme) referral may be required if you intend to clear vegetation.
- A BWAP Council application will be necessary if your shed is located within a biodiversity corridor or within the 50-metre buffer of the locally significant Melaleuca Irbyana tree (you may know it as the swamp Paperbark tree).
Bushfire Overlay
- Dwellings built before 2009 won’t require bushfire protection. You do need to ensure 900mm fire separation from either the boundary and/or the dwelling.
- For dwellings built after 2009, your shed must be located a minimum of 6-metres from the dwelling or the shed will require the same fire protection/BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating as the dwelling.
Flood Overlay
- The minimum floor levels within flood overlays does not apply to non-habitable structures such as a shed.
- Ensure your shed does not result in earthworks that increase flooding to other premises.
A BWAP (Building Works assessable against the Planning Scheme) referral may be required, speak to a Stockman team member for guidance on this one.
Landslide Hazard and Steep Land Overlay
- Any building work within the Landslide Hazard Overlay will require a site-specific geotechnical report (slope stability report) to specify the development is low risk from landslip.
- Ensure cut/fill does not exceed 40m3. If it goes higher than this, a BWAP referral will be required along with the geotechnical report.
Regional Infrastructure Corridor Overlay
- Building work within Regional infrastructure and buffers will require BWAP Council application.
Waterway Corridors and Wetlands Overlay
- Building work within Waterway corridors and wetlands overlay map will require BWAP Council application.
- Ensure Fire separation is achieved from either boundary and/or dwelling, refer to Queensland Fire Separation.
Building a Logan Shed?
Stockman Sheds supplies and constructs sheds all across South East Queensland. High-quality structures made from local Australian BlueScope steel, our sheds are designed to withstand the local climate and serve you well for decades to come.
When you build with Stockman, we make your shed journey an easy one. You won’t need to worry about council requirements, because our team will take care of all building approvals and any other relevant applications for you.
After consulting with our designers about how you’d like your new shed to turn out, you just sit back and enjoy a seamless shed-building process.
If you have any questions, give us a call right now on 0493 791 972, or click the button below to start the no-obligation quote process.