Gympie Regional Council Shed Planning Guide
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Sizes and Setbacks | Overlays to Consider | Contact Gympie Shed Builders
Gympie Regional Council New Shed Rules
Gympie Regional Council covers a large part of the state, and as with all other councils they have specific rules in place when it comes to constructing new sheds. If you’re building one for your home or workplace, you want to make sure it falls on the right side of the rules and regulations. This page provides some information to help, and you can find more information on the Gympie Council website.
A couple of things to remember in Gympie: firstly, the maximum site cover your shed can take up is 50%, as per the Queensland Development Code. Secondly, bear in mind that if any clearing is required, a development application will be needed. Thirdly, an Amenity and Aesthetics Policy applies to all new builds.
Sizes and Setbacks by Lot Size
The rules applying to the height, size and setbacks of your shed will vary according to the zoning of your property. We break it down below:
Lots Up to 600m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 36m²
Street Frontage Setback: Primary frontage must be set back 6 meters, and secondary frontage 4.5 meters.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Must follow the Queensland Development Code (QDC).
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 3.5 meters.
Lots Between 601m² and 1000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 54m²
Street Frontage Setback: Primary frontage setback of 6 meters, secondary frontage setback of 4.5 meters.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Adheres to QDC guidelines.
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 4 meters.
Lots Between 1001m² and 2000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 100m²
Street Frontage Setback: 15 meters if in the Industry Investigation Zone at Kybong or in a Rural Zone; 10 meters for the Rural Residential Zone; 6 meters for any other zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 1.5 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 5 meters.
Lots Between 2001m² and 4000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 100m²
Street Frontage Setback:
15 meters in the Industry Investigation Zone at Kybong or Rural Zone.
10 meters for the Rural Residential Zone.
6 meters in any other zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 3 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 5 meters.
Lots Between 4001m² and 10,000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 120m²
Street Frontage Setback:
15 meters in the Industry Investigation Zone at Kybong or Rural Zone.
10 meters for Rural Residential Zone or any other zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 3 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 5 meters.
Lots Between 10,001m² and 20,000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 150m²
Street Frontage Setback:
15 meters in the Industry Investigation Zone at Kybong or Rural Zone.
10 meters for Rural Residential Zone or any other zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 6 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Maximum height of 5 meters.
Lots Between 20,001m² and 40,000m²:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: 200m²
Street Frontage Setback: 15 meters in any applicable zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 6 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Adheres to QDC guidelines.
Lots of 40,001m² and Above:
Maximum Combined Class 10a Area: No maximum limit.
Street Frontage Setback: 15 meters in any applicable zone.
Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks: Minimum of 10 meters.
Height Above Ground Level: Follows QDC guidelines.
Overlays to Consider
An overlay identifies land that’s ‘sensitive to development, subject to constraints, contains valuable resources or presents opportunities for development.’ The relevant overlay in Gympie Regional Council is the Bushfire Overlay:
Bushfire Hazard
- Dwellings built before 2009 won’t require bushfire protection. You do need to ensure 900mm fire separation from either the boundary and/or the dwelling.
- For dwellings built after 2009, your shed must be located a minimum of 6-metres from the dwelling or the shed will require the same fire protection/BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating as the dwelling.
Contact the Gympie Shed Builders
Stockman Sheds provide high-quality steel sheds all across South East Queensland and beyond. Made from durable and tough BlueScope Steel, they’re designed for Australian conditions and will serve you well for many years.
If you’re in Gympie, or anywhere on the nearby Sunshine Coast, we can take care of the entire shed-building process for you. That includes all council approvals, overlay considerations and DBW applications. We’ll also ensure your shed is constructed according to all the relevant building codes.
You get a legal, value-adding structure on your property that will enhance your lifestyle or bring convenience and functionality to your workspace. Plus, it’s all delivered along with our legendary customer service.
Give us a call today on 0493 791 972, or click below to get the ball rolling on a no-obligation quote.